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Branch and Bound


Illustration of a linear-programming (LP)-based branch and bound algorithm. Not knowing how to solve a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem directly, it first removes all integrality constraints. This results in a solvable LP called the linear-programming relaxation of the original MIP. The algorithm then picks some variable x restricted to be integer, but whose value in the LP relaxation is fractional. Suppose its value in the LP relaxation is x = 0.7. It then excludes this value by imposing the restrictions x ≤ 0 and x ≥ 1, thereby creating two new MIPs. By applying this recursively step and exploring each resulting bifurcation, the globally optimal solution satisfying all constraints can be found.

Branch and Bound





branch-and-bound.tex (59 lines)



  tree node/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, draw, circle, minimum size=18},
  tree node label/.style={font=\scriptsize},

  declare toks={left branch prefix}{},
  declare toks={right branch prefix}{},
  declare toks={left branch suffix}{},
  declare toks={right branch suffix}{},
  maths branch labels/.style={
    branch label/.style={
      if n=1{
        edge label={node [left, midway] {$\forestoption{left branch prefix}##1\forestoption{left branch suffix}$}},
        edge label={node [right, midway] {$\forestoption{right branch prefix}##1\forestoption{right branch suffix}$}},
  set branch labels/.style n args=4{%
    left branch prefix={#1},
    left branch suffix={#2},
    right branch prefix={#3},
    right branch suffix={#4},
  branch and bound/.style={
    /tikz/every label/.append style=tree node label,
    maths branch labels,
    for tree={
      tree node,
      math content,
      s sep'+=20mm,
      l sep'+=5mm,
    before typesetting nodes={
      for tree={
        split option={content}{:}{content,branch label},

  branch and bound,
  where level=1{
  set branch labels={x_1\leq}{}{x_1\geq}{},
  }{if level=2{set branch labels={x_2\leq}{}{x_2\geq}{}}{set branch labels={x_3\leq}{}{x_3\geq}{}}}


branch-and-bound.typ (61 lines)

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)

  import draw: line, content, circle

  let node-sep = 1.5 // Horizontal separation between nodes
  let level-sep = 1.5 // Vertical separation between levels
  let node-radius = 0.35
  let arrow-style = (mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black, scale: 0.2), stroke: black + 1pt)

  // Helper to draw a node with label
  let draw-node(pos, label, name: none) = {
    circle(pos, radius: node-radius, name: name)
    content(pos, $#label$)

  // Helper to draw edge label
  let draw-edge-label(from, to, label, left: true) = {
    let anchor = if left { "east" } else { "west" }
      (rel: (if left { -0.3 } else { 0.3 }, 0), to: from + "-" + to + ".mid"),
      anchor: anchor,

  // Draw nodes level by level
  // Root (level 0)
  draw-node((0, 0), $P_0$, name: "p0")

  // Level 1
  draw-node((-node-sep, -level-sep), $P_1$, name: "p1")
  draw-node((node-sep, -level-sep), $P_2$, name: "p2")

  // Level 2
  draw-node((0, -2 * level-sep), $P_3$, name: "p3")
  draw-node((2 * node-sep, -2 * level-sep), $P_4$, name: "p4")

  // Level 3
  draw-node((-node-sep, -3 * level-sep), $P_5$, name: "p5")
  draw-node((node-sep, -3 * level-sep), $P_6$, name: "p6")

  // Draw edges
  line("p0", "p1", ..arrow-style, name: "p0-p1")
  line("p0", "p2", ..arrow-style, name: "p0-p2")
  line("p2", "p3", ..arrow-style, name: "p2-p3")
  line("p2", "p4", ..arrow-style, name: "p2-p4")
  line("p3", "p5", ..arrow-style, name: "p3-p5")
  line("p3", "p6", ..arrow-style, name: "p3-p6")

  // Draw edge labels
  draw-edge-label("p0", "p1", $x_1 <= 0$)
  draw-edge-label("p0", "p2", $x_1 >= 1$, left: false)
  draw-edge-label("p2", "p3", $x_2 <= 0$)
  draw-edge-label("p2", "p4", $x_2 >= 1$, left: false)
  draw-edge-label("p3", "p5", $x_3 <= 0$)
  draw-edge-label("p3", "p6", $x_3 >= 1$, left: false)