Cost vs accuracy trade-off for different quantum mechanics approximations. denotes the system size, usually the number of electrons. Source: Frank Noe.
\begin{tikzpicture}[->, very thick, align=center, scale=0.8]
\draw (0,-0.5) -- (0,\range*\xyRatio) node[below right] {accuracy};
\draw (-0.5,0) -- (\range,0) node[above] {computational\\complexity};
\foreach \n in {1,...,8}
\node[below] at (\n,0) {$N^\n$};
\draw[dashed, gray, shorten <=5] (0,0) -- (\range,\range*\xyRatio);
\foreach \n/\name/\abbr in {2/semi-empirical/SE, 4/Hartree-Fock/HF, 5/Moller-Plesset 2nd order/MP2, 6/Configuration Interaction/CISD, 7/Coupled Cluster/CCSD(T)}
\fill[blue!60!black] (\n,\xyRatio*\n) circle (\circSize)
node[align=left, below right=1pt, black] (\abbr) {\name};
% \draw[red, thick] (HF) -- (SE);
\fill[red!80!black] (3,5*\xyRatio) circle (1.2*\circSize) node[left=1ex, black] {DFT};
% \fill[blue!60!black] (4.5,6.5*\xyRatio) circle (\circSize) node[left=1ex, black] {Deep QMC};
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
#let range = 9
#let xy-ratio = 2 / 3
import draw: line, content, circle
let arrow-style = (mark: (end: "stealth", scale: .75), stroke: black + 1pt, fill: black)
// Draw axes
line((-0.5, 0), (range, 0), ..arrow-style) // x-axis
line((0, -0.5), (0, range * xy-ratio), ..arrow-style) // y-axis
// Add axis labels
(range + 0.1, .15),
[computational complexity],
anchor: "south-east",
(0.2, range * xy-ratio),
anchor: "north-west",
// Add N^n labels below x-axis
for n in std.range(1, 9) {
(n, -0.3),
anchor: "north",
// Add dashed diagonal line
(0, 0),
(range, range * xy-ratio),
stroke: (dash: "dashed", paint: gray, thickness: .75pt),
// Data points with labels
let methods = (
(2, "semi-empirical", "SE"),
(4, "Hartree-Fock", "HF"),
(5, "Moller-Plesset 2nd order", "MP2"),
(6, "Configuration Interaction", "CISD"),
(7, "Coupled Cluster", "CCSD(T)"),
// Draw blue dots for standard methods
for (x, name, abbr) in methods {
(x, x * xy-ratio),
radius: 2pt,
fill: rgb("#393998"),
stroke: none,
(x + 0.2, x * xy-ratio - 0.2),
anchor: "north-west",
// Special point for DFT
(3, 5 * xy-ratio),
radius: 2.4pt,
fill: rgb("#de2626"),
stroke: none,
(2.7, 5 * xy-ratio),
anchor: "east",