Illustration of skip connection in a residual block. Inspired by the ResNet paper. arxiv:1512.03385
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc, decorations.pathreplacing}
\node[fill=orange!50] (l1) {layer 1};
\node[blue!50!black, right=of l1, label={below:activation}] (act1) {$a(\vec x)$};
\node[fill=teal!50, right=of act1] (l2) {layer 2};
\node[right=of l2, font=\Large, label={below:add}, inner sep=0, pin={60:$\mathcal F(\vec x) + \vec x$}] (add) {$\oplus$};
\node[blue!50!black, right=of add, label={below:activation}] (act2) {$a(\vec x)$};
\draw[->] (l1) -- (act1);
\draw[->] (act1) -- (l2);
\draw[<-] (l1) -- ++(-2,0) node[below, pos=0.8] {$\vec x$};
\draw[->] (l2) -- (act2) node[above, pos=0.8] {};
\draw[->] ($(l1)-(1.5,0)$) to[out=90, in=90] node[below=1ex, midway, align=center] {skip connection\\(identity)} node[above, midway] {$\vec x$} (add);
\draw[decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=1ex, raise=1cm}] (l2.east) -- node[midway, below=1.2cm] {$\mathcal F(\vec x)$} (l1.west);
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
import draw: line, content, rect, hobby
let node-sep = 2.5 // Horizontal separation between nodes
let arrow-style = (mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black, scale: 0.5), stroke: black)
// Draw main nodes
(0, 0),
[layer 1],
fill: rgb("#ffd699"),
name: "l1",
frame: "rect",
padding: (3pt, 6pt),
stroke: none,
) // orange!50
(node-sep, 0),
name: "act1",
frame: "rect",
padding: (0, 3pt),
stroke: none,
content((rel: (0, -0.3), to: "act1.south"), "activation")
(2 * node-sep, 0),
[layer 2],
fill: rgb("#7dc3c3"),
name: "l2",
frame: "rect",
padding: (3pt, 6pt),
stroke: none,
) // teal!50
(3 * node-sep, 0),
text(size: 1.8em)[$$],
name: "add",
content((rel: (0, -0.3), to: "add.south"), "add")
(3.75 * node-sep, 0),
name: "act2",
frame: "rect",
padding: (0, 3pt),
stroke: none,
content((rel: (0, -0.3), to: "act2.south"), "activation")
// Draw main flow arrows
line("l1", "act1", ..arrow-style)
line("act1", "l2", ..arrow-style)
line("l2", "add.west", ..arrow-style)
line("add.east", "act2", ..arrow-style)
// Draw input arrow
(rel: (-2, 0), to: "l1"),
stroke: black,
name: "input",
mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black, scale: 0.5),
content((rel: (0, -0.2), to: "input.10%"), $arrow(x)$)
// Draw skip connection using hobby curve
(rel: (-1.5, 0), to: "l1"),
(rel: (0, 2.2), to: "act1"),
close: false,
tension: 0.8,
name: "skip",
content((rel: (0, 0.3), to: "skip.mid"), $arrow(x)$)
(rel: (0, -0.3), to: "skip.mid"),
align(center, text(size: 0.8em)[skip connection\ (identity)]),
anchor: "north",
// Draw F(x) curly brace
(rel: (0, -1.2), to: "act1"),
[#math.underbrace(box(width: 17em), text(size: 1.4em)[$cal(F)(arrow(x))$])],
name: "fx-brace",
// Add F(x) + x label
(rel: (0.8, 0.8), to: "add"),
$cal(F)(arrow(x)) + arrow(x)$,
name: "fx-label",
frame: "rect",
stroke: none,
padding: 1pt,
line("fx-label.south", "add.north-east", stroke: .2pt, name: "fx-arrow")