A Venn diagram illustrating the relationships between thermodynamic potentials, forces, and flows. The diagram shows three main regions (Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical) and their intersections, representing different thermodynamic potentials. The subscript μ denotes an N-to-μ Legendre transform of the indicated potential (U, H, F, or G). The diagram helps visualize how different thermodynamic quantities are related through Legendre transforms.
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2"
#import "@preview/cetz-venn:0.1.3": venn3
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
import cetz.draw: content, circle, scale
// Scale up the diagram
// Create Venn diagram with three overlapping circles
name: "venn",
a-fill: blue.transparentize(40%), // Mechanical (blue)
b-fill: red.transparentize(40%), // Thermal (red)
c-fill: green.transparentize(40%), // Chemical (green)
ab-fill: purple.transparentize(40%), // Overlap
bc-fill: yellow.transparentize(40%), // Overlap
ac-fill: teal.transparentize(40%), // Overlap
abc-fill: gray.transparentize(70%), // Center
// Add outer labels for main potentials
content("venn.a", [Mechanical\ $F_[mu] = -P V$], anchor: "center", name: "mechanical")
content("mechanical.south", text(.8em)[(Grand\ potential)], anchor: "north", padding: (top: 4pt))
content("venn.b", [Thermal\ $H_[mu] = T S$], anchor: "center")
content("venn.c", [Chemical\ $G = mu N$], anchor: "center")
// Add labels for overlapping regions
text(.8em, align(center, $U_[mu] =\ T S - P V$)),
anchor: "center",
offset: (0, 0.3),
text(.8em, align(center, $U = T S -\ P V + mu N$)),
align(center, $F =\ -P V + mu N$),
anchor: "center",
offset: (-0.3, -0.3),
align(center, $H =\ T S + mu N$),
anchor: "center",
offset: (0.3, -0.3),
// Add outer circle label
content((0, 1.6), $G_[mu]$)
content((0, 1.4), text(.8em)[(Gibbs-Duhem)])
(0, 0),
radius: 1.75,
fill: rgb(70%, 70%, 90%, 20%),
stroke: rgb(0%, 0%, 0%),