ergodic.tex (29 lines)
\draw[->] (-\x-0.5,0) -- (\x+0.5,0) node[right] {$q_1$};
\draw[->] (0,-\y-0.5) -- (0,\y+0.5) node[above] {$q_2$};
\draw[blue,fill=blue,fill opacity=0.05] (0,0) circle [x radius=\x, y radius=\y];
\coordinate[pin={[pin distance=25,scale=0.8]85:$\sqrt{2E/m}$}] (r1) at (\x,0);
\coordinate[pin={[pin distance=25,scale=0.8]30:$\sqrt{2E/k}$}] (r2) at (0,\y);
\node[blue] at (10:\x-0.6) {$P$};
\draw[orange,fill=orange,fill opacity=0.1] (220:\x+0 and \y+0) rectangle (40:\x+0 and \y+0);
\node[orange] at (-\x/4,\y/2) {$R$ for $\omega \notin \mathbb{Q}$};
\draw[red] plot [smooth cycle] coordinates {(140:\x-0.1 and \y-0.1) (280:1.8) (40:\x-0.1 and \y-0.1) (260:1.8)} node[shift={(2.5,0.5)},align=center] {$R$ for \\$\omega = 2 \in \mathbb{Q}$};
ergodic.typ (74 lines)
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 3pt)
import draw: line, content, circle, rect, hobby
let rx = 5
let ry = 3
let arrow-style = (mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black), stroke: 1pt)
// Axes
line((-rx - 0.5, 0), (rx + 0.5, 0), ..arrow-style)
content((rx + 0.5, 0), $q_1$, anchor: "west", padding: 2pt)
line((0, -ry - 0.5), (0, ry + 0.5), ..arrow-style)
content((0, ry + 0.5), $q_2$, anchor: "south", padding: 2pt)
// Ellipse
(0, 0),
radius: (rx, ry),
stroke: blue,
fill: rgb(0
name: "ellipse",
// Labels for radii
content((rx + .2, 1), $sqrt(2E \/ m)$, anchor: "south-west", padding: 1pt, name: "r1")
line((rx, 0), "r1.south", stroke: 0.2pt)
content((0.5, ry + .5), $sqrt(2E \/ k)$, anchor: "south-west", padding: 1pt, name: "r2")
line((0, ry), "r2.south-west", stroke: 0.2pt)
// Label P
content((rx - 0.6, 0.2), text(fill: blue)[$P$])
let rect-scale = calc.sqrt(2) / 2 // scale rectangle so corners touch ellipse
(-rx * rect-scale, -ry * rect-scale),
(rx * rect-scale, ry * rect-scale),
stroke: rgb("#ffa500"),
fill: rgb(100
name: "rect",
content((-rx / 4, ry / 2), text(fill: rgb("#ffa500"))[$R$ for $omega in.not QQ$])
// Trajectory
(-rx * rect-scale, ry * rect-scale),
(-1.1, -ry * rect-scale + 0.4),
(-.5, -ry * rect-scale + 0.1),
(.1, -ry * rect-scale + 0.4),
(rx * rect-scale, ry * rect-scale),
omega: 0,
stroke: red,
(-rx * rect-scale, ry * rect-scale),
(-.1, -ry * rect-scale + 0.4),
(.5, -ry * rect-scale + 0.1),
(1.1, -ry * rect-scale + 0.45),
(rx * rect-scale, ry * rect-scale),
omega: 0,
stroke: red,
(2.5, -1.3),
text(fill: red)[$R$ for\ $omega = 2 in QQ$],