Creator: Petar Veličković (original)
Illustration of applying dropout with a rate of to a multilayer perceptron.
node/.style={circle, draw, thick},
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}{
\node[node] (i\y) at (0,\nodesep*\y) {};
\node[node, right=\layersep of i\y] (h1\y) {};
\node[node, right=\layersep of h1\y] (h2\y) {};
\node[node, right=\layersep of h22] (o1) {};
\node[node, right=\layersep of h24] (o2) {};
\foreach \source in {1,...,5}
\foreach \dest in {1,...,5}{
\path[-stealth, thick] (i\source) edge (h1\dest);
\path[-stealth, thick] (h1\source) edge (h2\dest);
\foreach \source in {1,...,5}
\foreach \dest in {1,2}
\draw[-stealth, thick] (h2\source) -- (o\dest);
\draw[-stealth, thick] (7.5,3*\nodesep) -- node[above,font=\Large\bfseries] {dropout} (9.5, 3*\nodesep);
% Boundary
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}
\node[node, right=15em of h2\y] (di\y) {};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (di1) {$\times$};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (di3) {$\times$};
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}
\node[node, right=\layersep of di\y] (dh1\y) {};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (dh11) {$\times$};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (dh13) {$\times$};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (dh14) {$\times$};
\foreach \y in {1,...,5}
\node[node, right=\layersep of dh1\y] (dh2\y) {};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (dh22) {$\times$};
\node[red,font=\huge] at (dh24) {$\times$};
\node[node, right=\layersep of dh22] (do1) {};
\node[node, right=\layersep of dh24] (do2) {};
\foreach \source in {2,4,5}
\foreach \dest in {2,5}
\draw[-stealth, thick] (di\source) -- (dh1\dest);
\foreach \source in {2,5}
\foreach \dest in {1,3,5}
\draw[-stealth, thick] (dh1\source) -- (dh2\dest);
\foreach \source in {1,3,5}
\foreach \dest in {1,2}
\draw[-stealth, thick] (dh2\source) -- (do\dest);
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
import draw: line, circle, content
let node-style = (stroke: black + 1pt, fill: white)
let layer-sep = 2.5 // Horizontal separation between layers
let node-sep = 1.5 // Vertical separation between nodes
let arrow-style = (stroke: black + 1pt, mark: (end: "stealth"), fill: black)
// Helper function to draw a layer of nodes
let draw-layer(x, nodes, prefix: "") = {
for ii in range(nodes) {
(x, node-sep * (ii + 1)),
radius: 0.3,
name: prefix + str(ii + 1),
// Helper to connect all nodes between layers
let connect-layers(from-prefix, to-prefix, from-nodes, to-nodes) = {
for ii in range(from-nodes) {
for jj in range(to-nodes) {
(from-prefix + str(ii + 1)),
(to-prefix + str(jj + 1)),
// Left network (fully connected)
// Draw all layers
draw-layer(0, 5, prefix: "i") // Input layer
draw-layer(layer-sep, 5, prefix: "h1") // First hidden layer
draw-layer(2 * layer-sep, 5, prefix: "h2") // Second hidden layer
// Draw output nodes
circle((3 * layer-sep, 2 * node-sep), radius: 0.3, name: "o1", ..node-style)
circle((3 * layer-sep, 4 * node-sep), radius: 0.3, name: "o2", ..node-style)
// Connect all layers
connect-layers("i", "h1", 5, 5)
connect-layers("h1", "h2", 5, 5)
// Connect to output nodes
for ii in range(5) {
line(("h2" + str(ii + 1)), "o1", ..arrow-style)
line(("h2" + str(ii + 1)), "o2", ..arrow-style)
// Draw dropout arrow
let mid-x = 4 * layer-sep
(3.5 * layer-sep, 3 * node-sep),
(4.5 * layer-sep, 3 * node-sep),
name: "dropout-arrow",
text(weight: "bold", size: 1.2em)[dropout],
anchor: "south",
padding: 3pt,
// Right network (with dropout)
// Draw all layers
draw-layer(mid-x + layer-sep, 5, prefix: "di")
draw-layer(mid-x + 2 * layer-sep, 5, prefix: "dh1")
draw-layer(mid-x + 3 * layer-sep, 5, prefix: "dh2")
// Draw output nodes
circle((mid-x + 4 * layer-sep, 2 * node-sep), radius: 0.3, name: "do1", ..node-style)
circle((mid-x + 4 * layer-sep, 4 * node-sep), radius: 0.3, name: "do2", ..node-style)
// Add dropout X marks
let x-style = (fill: red, weight: "bold", size: 4em, baseline: -4pt)
content("di1", text(..x-style)[×])
content("di3", text(..x-style)[×])
content("dh11", text(..x-style)[×])
content("dh13", text(..x-style)[×])
content("dh14", text(..x-style)[×])
content("dh22", text(..x-style)[×])
content("dh24", text(..x-style)[×])
// Connect remaining nodes (after dropout)
for ii in (2, 4, 5) {
for jj in (2, 5) {
line(("di" + str(ii)), ("dh1" + str(jj)), ..arrow-style)
for ii in (2, 5) {
for jj in (1, 3, 5) {
line(("dh1" + str(ii)), ("dh2" + str(jj)), ..arrow-style)
for ii in (1, 3, 5) {
line(("dh2" + str(ii)), "do1", ..arrow-style)
line(("dh2" + str(ii)), "do2", ..arrow-style)