Simple 2d example illustrating the role of the Jacobian determinant in the change of variables formula. Inspired by Ari Seff in
thick, node distance=15mm,
set/.style={draw, diamond, text width=8mm, align=center},
op/.style={draw, circle, text width=5mm, align=center, fill=orange!40},
\node[set, fill=blue!20] (z1) {$\vec z_{1:d}$};
\node[op, right=of z1] (eq) {\raisebox{-1ex}=};
\node[set, right=of eq, fill=blue!20] (x1) {$\vec x_{1:d}$};
\draw[->] (z1) edge (eq) (eq) edge (x1);
\node[set, below=1 of z1, fill=green!30] (z2) {$\mathclap{\vec z_{d+1:D}}$};
\node[op, right=of z2] (g) {$g$};
\node[below=1em of g] (forward) {forward pass};
\node[set, right=of g, fill=yellow!40] (x2) {$\mathclap{\vec x_{d+1:D}}$};
\draw[->] (z2) edge (g) (g) edge (x2);
\node[op] (m) at ($(z1)!0.5!(g)$) {$m$};
\draw[->] (z1) edge (m) (m) edge (g);
\node[set, fill=blue!20] (z1) {$\vec z_{1:d}$};
\node[op, right=of z1] (eq) {\raisebox{-1ex}=};
\node[set, right=of eq, fill=blue!20] (x1) {$\vec x_{1:d}$};
\draw[<-] (z1) edge (eq) (eq) edge (x1);
\node[set, below=1 of z1, fill=green!30] (z2) {$\mathclap{\vec z_{d+1:D}}$};
\node[op, right=of z2] (g) {$\mathclap{g^{-1}}$};
\node[below=1em of g] (inverse) {inverse pass};
\node[set, right=of g, fill=yellow!40] (x2) {$\mathclap{\vec x_{d+1:D}}$};
\draw[<-] (z2) edge (g) (g) edge (x2);
\node[op] (m) at ($(x1)!0.5!(g)$) {$m$};
\draw[->] (x1) edge (m) (m) edge (g);
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
// polygons added in once released, use them to turn rect into diamonds. can't get rotate(z: 45deg) to work for unknown reasons
import draw: line, content, group, circle, rect
let node-sep = 2.5 // Horizontal separation between nodes
let vert-sep = 2.5 // Vertical separation between rows
// Node styles
let arrow-style = (
mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black, scale: 0.75),
stroke: black + 0.7pt,
// Helper to draw diamond node with its label
let diamond(pos, name, label, fill: none) = {
( - 0.5, - 0.5),
( + 0.5, + 0.5),
stroke: black + 0.7pt,
fill: fill,
name: name,
content(pos, label, anchor: "center")
// Helper to draw circle node with its label
let circle-node(pos, name, label) = {
circle(pos, radius: 0.4, name: name, stroke: black + 0.7pt, fill: rgb("#ffa64d").lighten(40%))
content(pos, label, anchor: "center")
// Forward pass (left side)
// First row
let z1-pos = (0, 0)
let eq1-pos = (node-sep, 0)
let x1-pos = (2 * node-sep, 0)
// Second row
let z2-pos = (0, -vert-sep)
let g1-pos = (node-sep, -vert-sep)
let x2-pos = (2 * node-sep, -vert-sep)
// Middle node
let m1-pos = (node-sep / 2, -vert-sep / 2)
// Draw forward pass nodes
diamond(z1-pos, "z1", $arrow(z)_(1:d)$, fill: rgb("#cce5ff"))
circle-node(eq1-pos, "eq1", "=")
diamond(x1-pos, "x1", $arrow(x)_(1:d)$, fill: rgb("#cce5ff"))
diamond(z2-pos, "z2", $arrow(z)_(d+1:D)$, fill: rgb("#ccffcc"))
circle-node(g1-pos, "g1", $arrow(g)$)
diamond(x2-pos, "x2", $arrow(x)_(d+1:D)$, fill: rgb("#fff5cc"))
circle-node(m1-pos, "m1", "m")
// Forward pass arrows
line("z1", "eq1", ..arrow-style)
line("eq1", "x1", ..arrow-style)
line("z2", "g1", ..arrow-style)
line("g1", "x2", ..arrow-style)
line("z1", "m1", ..arrow-style)
line("m1", "g1", ..arrow-style)
// Label under g1
(rel: (0, -1), to: "g1"),
[forward pass],
anchor: "south",
// Inverse pass (right side)
let right-x = 5 * node-sep
// First row
let z1r-pos = (right-x, 0)
let eq2-pos = (right-x + node-sep, 0)
let x1r-pos = (right-x + 2 * node-sep, 0)
// Second row
let z2r-pos = (right-x, -vert-sep)
let g2-pos = (right-x + node-sep, -vert-sep)
let x2r-pos = (right-x + 2 * node-sep, -vert-sep)
// Middle node
let m2-pos = (right-x + 1.5 * node-sep, -vert-sep / 2)
// Draw inverse pass nodes
diamond(z1r-pos, "z1r", $arrow(z)_(1:d)$, fill: rgb("#cce5ff"))
circle-node(eq2-pos, "eq2", "=")
diamond(x1r-pos, "x1r", $arrow(x)_(1:d)$, fill: rgb("#cce5ff"))
diamond(z2r-pos, "z2r", $arrow(z)_(d+1:D)$, fill: rgb("#ccffcc"))
circle-node(g2-pos, "g2", $arrow(g)^(-1)$)
diamond(x2r-pos, "x2r", $arrow(x)_(d+1:D)$, fill: rgb("#fff5cc"))
circle-node(m2-pos, "m2", "m")
// Inverse pass arrows (reversed direction)
line("eq2", "z1r", ..arrow-style)
line("x1r", "eq2", ..arrow-style)
line("g2", "z2r", ..arrow-style)
line("x2r", "g2", ..arrow-style)
line("x1r", "m2", ..arrow-style)
line("m2", "g2", ..arrow-style)
// Label under g2
(rel: (0, -1), to: "g2"),
[inverse pass],
anchor: "south",