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RNVP Affine Coupling Layer

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Illustration of the real-valued non-volume preserving (RNVP) affine coupling layer as introduced in arxiv:1605.08803. Inspired by https://blog.evjang.com/2018/01/nf2.html.

RNVP Affine Coupling Layer





rnvp-affine-coupling-layer.tex (57 lines)



    thick, text centered,
    box/.style={draw, thin, minimum width=1cm},
    func/.style={circle, text=white},

  % x nodes
  \node[box, fill=blue!20] (x1) {$x_1$};
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, right of=x1] (x2) {$x_2$};
  \node[right of=x2] (xdots1) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, right of=xdots1] (xd) {$x_d$};
  \node[box, fill=green!60!black, text opacity=1, opacity=0.4, right=2 of xd] (xdp1) {$x_{d+1}$};
  \node[right of=xdp1] (xdots2) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=green!60!black, text opacity=1, opacity=0.4, right of=xdots2] (xD) {$x_D$};

  % z nodes
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, below=3 of x1] (z1) {$z_1$};
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, right of=z1] (z2) {$z_2$};
  \node[right of=z2] (zdots1) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=blue!20, right of=zdots1] (zd) {$z_d$};
  \node[box, fill=orange!40, right=2 of zd] (zdp1) {$z_{d+1}$};
  \node[right of=zdp1] (zdots2) {\dots};
  \node[box, fill=orange!40, right of=zdots2] (zD) {$z_D$};

  % z to x lines
  \draw[->] (z1) -- (x1);
  \draw[->] (z2) -- (x2);
  \draw[->] (zd) -- (xd);
  \draw[->] (zdp1) -- (xdp1);
  \draw[->] (zD) -- (xD);

  % scale and translate functions
  \node[func, font=\large, fill=teal, above left=0.1] (t) at ($(zd)!0.5!(xdp1)$) {$t$};
  \fill[teal, opacity=0.5] (z1.north west) -- (t.center) -- (zd.north east) -- (z1.north west);

  \node[func, font=\large, fill=orange, below right=0.1] (s) at ($(zd)!0.5!(xdp1)$) {$s$};
  \fill[orange, opacity=0.5] (z1.north west) -- (s.center) -- (zd.north east) -- (z1.north west);

  % feeding in s and t
  \node[func, inner sep=0, fill=orange] (odot1) at ($(zdp1)!0.5!(xdp1)$) {$\odot$};
  \node[func, inner sep=0, fill=teal] (oplus1) at ($(zdp1)!0.75!(xdp1)$) {$\oplus$};
  \draw[orange, ->] (s) to[bend left=5] (odot1);
  \draw[teal, ->] (t) to[bend left=5] (oplus1);

  \node[func, inner sep=0, fill=orange] (odot2) at ($(zD)!0.5!(xD)$) {$\odot$};
  \node[func, inner sep=0, fill=teal] (oplus2) at ($(zD)!0.75!(xD)$) {$\oplus$};
  \draw[orange, ->] (s) to[bend right=5] (odot2);
  \draw[teal, ->] (t) to[bend right=5] (oplus2);



rnvp-affine-coupling-layer.typ (136 lines)

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)

  import draw: line, content, rect, circle, hobby

  // Define styles and constants
  let node-width = 1
  let node-height = 0.6
  let horiz-sep = 1.2
  let vert-sep = 4
  let arrow-style = (end: "stealth", fill: black, scale: .5)
  let (orange, blue, teal) = (rgb("#e8c268"), rgb("#63a7e390"), rgb("#008080"))

  // Helper function for boxes
  let box(pos, text, fill: none, name: none) = {
      (rel: (node-width, node-height)),
      fill: fill,
      stroke: black + 0.3pt,
      name: name,
    content(name, text)

  // Top row x nodes
  box((0, 0), $x_1$, fill: blue, name: "x1")
  box((horiz-sep, 0), $x_2$, fill: blue, name: "x2")
  box((3 * horiz-sep, 0), $x_d$, fill: blue, name: "xd")
  content(("x2", 50%, "xd"), text(size: 14pt)[$dots.c$], name: "xdots1")

  // Green boxes with more spacing
  box((5 * horiz-sep, 0), $x_(d+1)$, fill: orange, name: "xd-plus-1")
  box((7 * horiz-sep, 0), $x_D$, fill: orange, name: "xD")
  content(("xd-plus-1", 50%, "xD"), text(size: 14pt)[$dots.c$], name: "xdots2")

  // Bottom row z nodes
  box((0, -vert-sep), $z_1$, fill: blue, name: "z1")
  box((horiz-sep, -vert-sep), $z_2$, fill: blue, name: "z2")
  box((3 * horiz-sep, -vert-sep), $z_d$, fill: blue, name: "zd")
  content(("z2", 50%, "zd"), text(size: 14pt)[$dots.c$], name: "zdots1")

  // Orange boxes
  box((5 * horiz-sep, -vert-sep), $z_(d+1)$, fill: orange, name: "zd-plus-1")
  box((7 * horiz-sep, -vert-sep), $z_D$, fill: orange, name: "zD")
  content(("zd-plus-1", 50%, "zD"), text(size: 14pt)[$dots.c$], name: "zdots2")

  // Vertical connecting lines
  line("z1", "x1", mark: arrow-style, name: "line1")
  line("z2", "x2", mark: arrow-style, name: "line2")
  line("zd", "xd", mark: arrow-style, name: "lined")
  line("zd-plus-1", "xd-plus-1", mark: arrow-style, name: "line-d-plus-1")
  line("zD", "xD", mark: arrow-style, name: "lineD")

  // Scale and translate functions
  let mid-x = 4 * horiz-sep
  let mid-y = -vert-sep / 2

  // Function triangles and circles
  // Draw t triangle with lines
    (4.3 * horiz-sep, 0.4 * -vert-sep),
    text(fill: white)[t],
    frame: "circle",
    name: "t-circle",
    stroke: none,
    fill: teal,
    padding: 2pt,
    fill: teal.transparentize(40%),
    close: true,
    stroke: none,
    name: "t-triangle",

  // Draw s triangle with lines
    (rel: (.6, -.75), to: "t-circle"),
    text(fill: white, baseline: -1pt)[s],
    frame: "circle",
    name: "s-circle",
    stroke: none,
    fill: orange,
    padding: 2pt,
    fill: orange.transparentize(30%),
    close: true,
    stroke: none,
    name: "s-triangle",

  // Operation circles
  for line-name in ("line-d-plus-1", "lineD") {
    for (op, (color, label, pos)) in (
      "odot": (orange, $dot.circle$, "40%"),
      "oplus": (teal, $plus.circle$, "70%"),
    ).pairs() {
        line-name + "." + pos,
        text(fill: white, baseline: -.2pt)[#label],
        frame: "circle",
        name: line-name + "-" + op,
        stroke: none,
        fill: color,
        padding: .1pt,

  // Connect s and t to operations
  for line-name in ("line-d-plus-1", "lineD") {
      line-name + "-odot",
      mark: (..arrow-style, offset: 5pt),
      stroke: orange + 0.75pt,
      line-name + "-oplus",
      mark: (..arrow-style, offset: 5pt),
      stroke: teal + 0.75pt,