A visualization of Perdew's Jacob's ladder of density functional theory (DFT), representing a hierarchy of increasingly sophisticated approximations to the exchange-correlation energy (E_xc). The ladder spans from simple local density approximations at the bottom to accurate but expensive double-hybrid functionals near the top, with each rung adding new physical ingredients to improve accuracy at the cost of computational complexity.
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
import draw: line, content, rect, circle
let rung-sep = 2 // Vertical separation between rungs
let width = 8.4 // Width of each rung
let height = 1 // Height of each rung
let circle-r = 0.8 // Radius of symbol circles
let circle-offset = -3.2 // X offset for symbol circles
// Helper to draw a rung with its symbol
let draw-rung(y, color, text-content, symbol) = {
// Draw rung rectangle
(-width / 2, y),
(width / 2, y + height),
fill: color,
stroke: rgb("888") + 0.4pt,
// Add text content, left-aligned relative to circle and vertically centered
(circle-offset + circle-r + 0.2, y + height / 2),
text(size: 10pt)[#align(horizon)[#text-content]],
anchor: "west", // Left align text
// Add symbol circle if provided
if symbol != none {
(circle-offset, y + height / 2),
radius: circle-r,
fill: color,
stroke: rgb("888") + 0.4pt,
(circle-offset, y + height / 2),
// Draw all rungs from bottom to top
draw-rung(0, rgb("b4a7d6"), [0: *Hartree World*], none)
draw-rung(rung-sep, rgb("a4c2f4"), [1: *Local Density Approx. (LDA)*\ VWN, GPW92], $rho(bold(r))$)
2 * rung-sep,
[2: *Generalized Gradient Approx. (GGA)*\ PBE, BLYP],
$nabla rho(bold(r))$,
draw-rung(3 * rung-sep, rgb("ffe599"), [3: *Meta-GGA*\ (r/r$""^2$)SCAN], [$\ nabla^2rho(bold(r))$ \ $tau(bold(r))$])
4 * rung-sep,
[4: *Occupied Hybrid Methods* \ B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP, M06-2X],
draw-rung(5 * rung-sep, rgb("ea9999"), [5: *Virtual Double-Hybrids* \ B2PLYP], ${phi_i^"virt"}$)
draw-rung(6 * rung-sep, rgb("ffb7c5"), [*Chemical accuracy*], none)
// Draw vertical lines connecting rungs
(-width / 2, 0),
(-width / 2, 6 * rung-sep + height),
stroke: 0.7pt,
(width / 2, 0),
(width / 2, 6 * rung-sep + height),
stroke: 0.7pt,