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Feynman Diagram Propagator Loop

physicsquantum field theorycetztikz

This Feynman diagram contains two propagators forming a loop carrying the external energy q0q_0. m1,2m_{1,2} denote the masses of the propagators and γ1,2\gamma_{1,2} their decay width which, for an expansion in Minkowski space, are non-zero only around a real and positive on-shell frequency p0>0p_0 > 0.

Feynman Diagram Propagator Loop





feynman-diagram-propagator-loop.tex (22 lines)


\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,q0/.style={->,DarkBlue,semithick,yshift=5pt,shorten >=5pt,shorten <=5pt}]

  % Loop
  \draw (0,0) circle (\radius);
  \node[above] (1) at (0,\radius) {$m_1^2$, $\gamma_1^2$};
  \node[below] (2) at (0,-\radius) {$m_2^2$, $\gamma_2^2$};
  \draw[q0] (140:0.75*\radius) arc (140:40:0.75*\radius) node[midway,below] {$q_0$};

  % External lines
  (-2*\radius,0) -- (-\radius,0) circle (2pt)
  (\radius,0) circle (2pt) -- (2*\radius,0);
  \draw[q0] (-2*\radius,0) -- (-\radius,0) node[midway,above] {$q_0$};
  \draw[q0] (\radius,0) -- (2*\radius,0) node[midway,above] {$q_0$};



feynman-diagram-propagator-loop.typ (66 lines)

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)

  import draw: line, content, circle, arc

  // Define styles and constants
  let radius = 1.5
  let dark-blue = rgb("#4040d9")
  let arrow-style = (
    mark: (end: "stealth", fill: dark-blue, scale: .5),
    stroke: (paint: dark-blue, thickness: 0.75pt),

  // Draw loop circle
  circle((0, 0), radius: radius, name: "loop")

  // Add labels for masses/widths
  content("loop.0%", $m_1^2, gamma_1^2$, anchor: "south", padding: 3pt)
  content("loop.50%", $m_2^2, gamma_2^2$, anchor: "north", padding: 3pt)

  // Draw momentum arrow on loop
    (rel: (.23, 0), to: "loop.15%"),
    radius: 0.85 * radius,
    start: 140deg,
    stop: 40deg,
    name: "momentum-arrow",
    text(fill: dark-blue)[$q_0$],
    anchor: "north",

  // Draw external lines
  let ext-len = 2.2 * radius

  // Left external line
  circle("loop.25%", radius: 2pt, fill: black, name: "left-vertex")
  line((-ext-len, 0), "left-vertex", stroke: 1pt, name: "left-line")

  // Right external line
  circle("loop.75%", radius: 2pt, fill: black, name: "right-vertex")
  line("right-vertex", (ext-len, 0), stroke: 1pt, name: "right-line")

  // Add momentum arrows on external lines
    (rel: (0.15, 0.15), to: "left-line.start"),
    (rel: (-0.15, 0.15), to: "left-line.end"),
    name: "left-momentum",
  content("left-momentum", text(fill: dark-blue)[$q_0$], anchor: "south", padding: 3pt)

    (rel: (0.15, 0.15), to: "right-line.start"),
    (rel: (-0.15, 0.15), to: "right-line.end"),
    name: "right-momentum",
  content("right-momentum", text(fill: dark-blue)[$q_0$], anchor: "south", padding: 3pt)