Creator: Petar Veličković (original)
Generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture. A GAN has two parts. The discriminator acts as a classifier that learns to distinguish fake data produced by the generator from real data. incurs a penalty when detects implausible results. This signal is backpropagated through the generator weights such that learns to produce more realistic samples over time, eventually fooling the discriminator if training succeeds.
->, thick,
node/.style={circle, fill=teal!60},
label/.style={below, font=\footnotesize},
\node[node] (zin) {$\vec z_\text{in}$};
\node[node, right=5em of zin] (fake) {$\vec x_\text{fake}$};
\draw (zin) -- node[above] {$G(\vec x)$} node[label] {generator} (fake);
\draw[<-] (zin) -- node[above] {$p_\theta(\vec z)$} node[label] {latent noise} ++(-3,0);
\node[node, above=of fake] (real) {$\vec x_\text{real}$};
\draw[<-] (real) -- node[above] {$p_\text{data}(\vec x)$} ++(-3,0);
\node[node, right=6em of fake] (D) at ($(fake)!0.5!(real)$) {$\vec x$};
\node[right=7em of D] (out) {real?};
\draw (D) -- node[above] {$D(\vec x)$} node[label] {discriminator} (out);
\coordinate[right=2.5em of fake, circle, fill, inner sep=0.15em] (pt1);
\coordinate[right=2.5em of real, circle, fill, inner sep=0.15em] (pt2);
\draw[-, dashed] (pt1) edge[bend left] coordinate[circle, fill=orange, inner sep=1mm, pos=0.7] (pt3) (pt2);
\draw (fake) -- (pt1) (real) -- (pt2) (pt3) -- (D);
#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)
import draw: line, content, circle, group, hobby, on-layer
// Style definitions
let node-style = (
stroke: none,
fill: rgb("#66B2B2"), // teal!60 equivalent
radius: 0.53,
let arrow-style = (
stroke: black + 0.8pt,
mark: (end: "stealth", scale: 0.4, fill: black),
let (y-real, y-fake) = (2, 0)
// Draw nodes
// z_in node
circle((0, y-fake), name: "zin", ..node-style)
content("zin", $arrow(z)_"in"$)
// x_fake node
circle((3, y-fake), name: "fake", ..node-style)
content("fake", $arrow(x)_"fake"$)
// x_real node
circle((3, y-real), name: "real", ..node-style)
content("real", $arrow(x)_"real"$)
// x node (discriminator input)
circle((6, y-real / 2), name: "D", ..node-style, radius: 0.4)
content("D", $arrow(x)$)
// Output node
content((9, y-real / 2), text(size: 0.9em, baseline: -1pt)[real?], name: "out", padding: 2pt)
// Draw arrows and their labels
// Generator input arrow
line((-2.5, y-fake), "zin", ..arrow-style, name: "zin-line")
content("zin-line.mid", $p_theta (arrow(z))$, anchor: "south", padding: 0.1)
content("zin-line.mid", text(size: 0.8em)[latent noise], anchor: "north", padding: 0.1)
// Generator arrow
line("zin", "fake", ..arrow-style, name: "fake-line")
content("fake-line.mid", $G(arrow(x))$, anchor: "south", padding: 0.1)
content("fake-line.mid", text(size: 0.8em)[generator], anchor: "north", padding: 0.1)
// Real data arrow
line((-2, y-real), "real", ..arrow-style, name: "real-line")
content("real-line.mid", $p_"data" (arrow(x))$, anchor: "south", padding: 0.1)
// Connection points with names
circle((4.5, y-fake), radius: 0.06, fill: black, name: "dot1")
circle((4.5, y-real), radius: 0.06, fill: black, name: "dot2")
circle((4.25, 2 * y-real / 3), radius: 0.12, fill: orange, stroke: none, name: "dot3"),
// Draw connecting lines with names
line("fake", "dot1", ..arrow-style, name: "conn1")
line("real", "dot2", ..arrow-style, name: "conn2")
line("dot3", "D", ..arrow-style, name: "conn3")
// Draw dashed curve using named points
(4.2, (y-real - y-fake) / 2),
stroke: (dash: "dashed"),
omega: 2,
name: "dashed-curve",
// Discriminator arrow and labels
line("D", "out", ..arrow-style, name: "disc-line")
content("disc-line.mid", $D(arrow(x))$, anchor: "south", padding: 0.1)
content("disc-line.mid", text(size: 0.8em)[discriminator], anchor: "north", padding: 0.15)