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Geometric Bayes


3blue1brown-inspired geometric visualization of Bayes theorem https://youtu.be/HZGCoVF3YvM.

Geometric Bayes





geometric-bayes.tex (21 lines)



\begin{tikzpicture}[thick, font=\large, white, draw=white]

  \draw[fill=orange] (0,0) rectangle (2,4) node[midway] (pEH) {$p(E|H)$};
  \draw[fill=teal] (0,4) rectangle (2,8) node[midway] (pH) {$p(\neg E|H)$};
  \draw[fill=blue!30!black] (2,0) rectangle (8,2) node[midway] (pH) {$p(E|\neg H)$};
  \draw[fill=gray!50!black] (2,2) rectangle (8,8) node[midway] (pH) {$p(\neg E|\neg H)$};

  \draw[black, decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=1ex, raise=3pt}] (0.05,8) -- (1.95,8) node[midway, above=1ex] {$p(H)$};
  \draw[black, decorate, decoration={brace, amplitude=1ex, raise=3pt}] (2.05,8) -- (7.95,8) node[midway, above=1ex] {$p(\neg H)$};

  \draw[fill=blue!50!black] (9,0) rectangle (11,3) node[midway] (pH) {$p(H|E)$};
  \draw[fill=gray!9!black] (9,3) rectangle (11,8) node[midway] (pH) {$p(\neg H|E)$};



geometric-bayes.typ (88 lines)

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 3pt)

#set text(fill: white)

  import draw: rect, content, line

  // Define dimensions
  let width = 8
  let height = 5
  let left-col-width = 2
  let right-col-width = 2
  let mid-col-width = width - left-col-width - right-col-width
  let gap = 1 // Gap between middle and right column

  let left-x = 0
  let mid-x = left-col-width
  let right-x = width - right-col-width

  // Define vertical divisions
  let p-e-height = height / 2
  let p-h-e-height = height * 3 / 8

  let colors = (
    orange: rgb("#FFA500"),
    teal: rgb("#008080"),
    dark-blue: rgb("#1E2F4F"),
    dark-gray: rgb("#404040"),
    darker-blue: rgb("#363399"),
    darkest-gray: rgb("#171717"),

  // Left column - p(H)
  rect((left-x, 0), (mid-x, p-e-height), fill: colors.orange, stroke: white, name: "p-e-given-h")
  content("p-e-given-h", $p(E|H)$)

  rect((left-x, p-e-height), (mid-x, height), fill: colors.teal, stroke: white, name: "p-not-e-given-h")
  content("p-not-e-given-h", $p(not E|H)$)

  // Middle column - p(¬H)
  rect((mid-x, 0), (right-x - gap, p-e-height / 2), fill: colors.dark-blue, stroke: white, name: "p-e-given-not-h")
  content("p-e-given-not-h", $p(E|not H)$)

    (mid-x, p-e-height / 2),
    (right-x - gap, height),
    fill: colors.dark-gray,
    stroke: white,
    name: "p-not-e-given-not-h",
  content("p-not-e-given-not-h", $p(not E|not H)$)

  // Right column - posterior probabilities
  rect((right-x, 0), (width, p-h-e-height), fill: colors.darker-blue, stroke: white, name: "p-h-given-e")
  content("p-h-given-e", $p(H|E)$)

  rect((right-x, p-h-e-height), (width, height), fill: colors.darkest-gray, stroke: white, name: "p-not-h-given-e")
  content("p-not-h-given-e", $p(not H|E)$)

  // Left brace for p(H)
    text(fill: black)[
        box(width: 5em),
    name: "brace-ph",
    padding: (5pt, 0, 15pt),

  // Right brace for p(¬H)
    text(fill: black)[
        box(width: 7.5em),
        $p(not H)$,
    name: "brace-not-ph",
    padding: (5pt, 0, 15pt),