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GNN Node Aggregation


Diagram illustrating the message-passing process in graph neural networks (GNNs). Shows how information flows from neighboring nodes to a target node A through multiple layers of aggregation. The first layer combines information from direct neighbors (B, C, D) while the second layer incorporates information from nodes two hops away (E, F), demonstrating how a node's receptive field grows with network depth.

GNN Node Aggregation





gnn-node-aggregation.typ (138 lines)

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)

  import draw: line, content, circle, rect

  // Styles
  let arrow-style = (mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black, scale: 0.5, offset: 2pt), stroke: 0.5pt)
  let edge-style = (stroke: 0.4pt)
  let node-radius = 0.3
  let graph-sep = 4.5 // separation between input graph and aggregation

  // Node colors - ensure consistency
  let colors = (
    A: rgb("#ffd700"), // Gold
    B: rgb("#ff4d4d"), // Red
    C: rgb("#90ee90"), // Light green
    D: rgb("#4d94ff"), // Blue
    E: rgb("#9370db"), // Purple
    F: rgb("#ff69b4"), // Pink

  // Helper to draw a node with label
  let draw-node(pos, label, name) = {
      radius: node-radius,
      fill: colors.at(label),
      stroke: black + 0.5pt,
      name: name,
    content(pos, label, anchor: "center")

  // Input Graph (left side)
  // Define node positions
  let target-pos = (-1.5, 1.2)
  let b-pos = (0.5, 2)
  let c-pos = (1, 1)
  let d-pos = (-2.5, -.7)
  let e-pos = (-0.25, -1.25)
  let f-pos = (1.5, 0)

  // Draw nodes
  draw-node(target-pos, "A", "target")
  draw-node(b-pos, "B", "b")
  draw-node(c-pos, "C", "c")
  draw-node(d-pos, "D", "d")
  draw-node(e-pos, "E", "e")
  draw-node(f-pos, "F", "f")

  // Add target node label
  content((rel: (0, 1.5), to: "target"), "Target Node", name: "target-label")
  line("target-label.south", "target", ..arrow-style)

  // Draw edges
  for (start, end) in (
    ("target", "b"),
    ("target", "c"),
    ("b", "c"),
    ("target", "d"),
    ("c", "e"),
    ("c", "f"),
    ("e", "f"),
  ) {
    line(start, end, ..edge-style)

  // Add "Input Graph" label
  content((0.25, -1.8), [Input Graph])

  // Main aggregation box
  let box-pos = (graph-sep, 0.5)
    [Aggregation\ for Node A],
    name: "agg-box",
    fill: rgb("ddd"),
    frame: "rect",
    stroke: 0.2pt,
    padding: (3pt, 7pt),

  // First layer nodes - renamed to show they're neighbors of A
  let first-layer = (
    (2, 2, "B", "a-to-b"),
    (2, 0, "C", "a-to-c"),
    (2, -2, "D", "a-to-d"),

  // Draw first layer nodes and arrows
  for (dx, dy, label, name) in first-layer {
    draw-node((rel: (dx, dy), to: "agg-box.east"), label, name)
    line(name, "agg-box.east", ..arrow-style)

  content((rel: (0, .7), to: "a-to-b"), "Hop 1")

  // Draw aggregation boxes for each first layer node
  for node in ("a-to-b", "a-to-c", "a-to-d") {
    let letter = node.split("-").at(-1)
      (rel: (2, 0), to: node),
      fill: rgb("ddd"),
      frame: "rect",
      stroke: 0.2pt,
      padding: (2pt, 4pt),
      name: "aggr-" + letter,
    line("aggr-" + letter, node, ..arrow-style)

  // Second layer nodes and connections - renamed to show full path
  let second-layer = (
    // From B-aggregation (B's neighbors)
    ((2, 1), "A", "aggr-b", "b-to-a"),
    ((2, 0), "C", "aggr-b", "b-to-c"),
    // From C-aggregation (C's neighbors)
    ((2, 1), "A", "aggr-c", "c-to-a"),
    ((2, 0.25), "B", "aggr-c", "c-to-b"),
    ((2, -0.5), "E", "aggr-c", "c-to-e"),
    ((2, -1.25), "F", "aggr-c", "c-to-f"),
    // From D-aggregation (D's neighbors)
    ((2, 0), "A", "aggr-d", "d-to-a"),

  // Draw second layer nodes and arrows
  for ((dx, dy), label, parent, name) in second-layer {
    draw-node((rel: (dx, dy), to: parent), label, name)
    line(name, parent + ".east", ..arrow-style)

  content((rel: (0, .7), to: "b-to-a"), "Hop 2")