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Grand Canonical Occupation Fluctuations

physicsstatistical mechanicscetztikz

Number fluctuations of the occupation probability〈nk〉of a single mode k in an ideal Bose and Fermi gas in the grand canonical ensemble. Used in Exercise Sheet 11 of Statistical Physics by Manfred Salmhofer (2016), available at https://janosh.dev/physics/statistical-physics.

Grand Canonical Occupation Fluctuations





grand-canonical-occupation-fluctuations.tex (43 lines)


\usepackage{pgfplots, mathtools}

      xlabel = $T$,
      ylabel = $\Delta n_k^+$,
      axis lines = center,
      every tick/.style = thick]

    \def\bosefluc{1/(2*sinh(\beta/2 * (\ek - \mu)))^2}
    \addplot[color=blue,domain = 0:4.2]{\bosefluc};


      xlabel = $T$,
      ylabel = $\Delta n_k^-$,
      ymax = 0.28,
      axis lines = center,
      every tick/.style = thick,
      yticklabel style = /pgf/number format/fixed]

    \def\fermfluc{1/(2 + 2*cosh(\beta * (\ek - \mu)))}
    \addplot[color=blue,domain = 0:4.2]{\fermfluc};



grand-canonical-occupation-fluctuations.typ (81 lines)

#import "@preview/cetz:0.3.2": canvas, draw
#import "@preview/cetz-plot:0.1.1": plot

#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: 8pt)

#let size = (8, 5)

  import draw: translate

    axes: (
      y: (label: (anchor: "north-west", offset: -0.2), mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black)),
      x: (label: (anchor: "north", offset: 0.1), mark: (end: "stealth", fill: black)),

  // First plot (Bose fluctuations)
    size: size,
    x-min: 0,
    x-max: 4.2,
    y-min: 0,
    x-label: $T$,
    y-label: $Delta n_k^+$,
    x-tick-step: 1,
    y-tick-step: 10,
    axis-style: "left",
    name: "bose-plot",
      // Define constants
      let (ek, mu) = (1, 0)

      // Add the Bose fluctuation curve
        style: (stroke: blue + 1.5pt),
        domain: (0.01, 4.2), // Avoid x=0 due to division
        samples: 200, // More samples for smoother curve
        x => {
          let beta = 1 / x
          let sinh_term = calc.sinh(beta / 2 * (ek - mu))
          1 / (2 * sinh_term * sinh_term)

  // Second plot (Fermi fluctuations)
  translate((size.at(0) + 2.5, 0))

    size: size,
    x-min: 0,
    x-max: 4.2,
    y-min: 0,
    y-max: 0.28,
    x-label: $T$,
    y-label: $Delta n_k^-$,
    x-tick-step: 1,
    y-tick-step: 0.05,
    axis-style: "left",
    name: "fermi-plot",
      // Define constants
      let (ek, mu) = (1, 0)

      // Add the Fermi fluctuation curve
        style: (stroke: blue + 1.5pt),
        domain: (0.01, 4.2), // Avoid x=0 due to division
        samples: 200, // More samples for smoother curve
        x => {
          let beta = 1 / x
          let cosh_term = calc.cosh(beta * (ek - mu))
          1 / (2 + 2 * cosh_term)